This announcement paid for by Dragon's Nose Productions (no affiliation with the other guys).
Krum: Isn't the pixie dust a dragon's nose production? Vlady: According to Clawz it is. ;) Krum: Oh. Then it must be true.
Felorin: Hi I'm Felorin! Felorin: And this is Talzhemir! Talzhemir: Hi! Felorin: We're here with to tell you about this awesome new place to spend your winter vacation! Talzhemir: Um... I thought we were here to tell everyone to buy their loved ones dragons for Christmas. Felorin: Oh yeah, that too. Buy them, they're fun! :X) Elves: Tell them! Tell them! Felorin: Ok, ok! Felorin: Are you bored? Wanna have some fun? Then visit the Winter Island of Randomism! Talzhemir: But wait, there's more! Felorin: Of course there's more. I'm not done yet! Talzhemir: I know. _ Elves: What else is there?! Felorin: Plenty! You can run around and make tracks in the snow, you can give someone a present, and you can sit in Santa Stoinker's lap!
Felorin: And of course, you can play with the elves. Elves: YAY! Burma: Elves!! :D Elves: :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Burma: HEY! THAT'S MY LINE! Burma: assmonkeys Natalie: Munkees. Eheheegh. Elves: YAY! Felorin: And now, to officially open the island for the tourists, I will now cut the ceremonial cake. Talzhemir: Felorin! That's cheese! Felorin: Hey, I'm the one wearing the kimono here. I THINK I know what I'm doing.
Vlady: Well, that was quite mindless. ;) Krum: Are you sure the janitor isn't a former employee of Soup Dish Times? Vlady: How should I know? ;) Clawz: BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
{S} Xaa shouts: Get back to the meeting, Clawz! Clawz: doh! Krum: I should go too. Wanna join FLC Vlady? Vlady: Hm.. I'll think about it. ;) Krum: Ok. Later.
Janitor: Well... Back to sniffing glue. If anyone sees Klass, tell him I said "Ta!"